
Relentless Pursuit
of Excellence


Our people bring the passion, drive and ingenuity to make great things happen for our clients, communities and industry.


                  Meet Our Relentless Allies

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Kofi Afriyie

Relentless Ally

Senior Project Engineer promotes minority recruitment and mentorship, critical conversations around racial equity and unity among diverse teammates in the construction industry. 

If you ask Kofi Afriyie, ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ senior project engineer in the Mid-Atlantic, what the best times of his life were so far, he will unhesitatingly respond that being a student at Morgan State University were the best four years of his life. 

At one of the largest historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) in Maryland, Kofi was a civil and structural engineering student with a thirst for construction industry knowledge and a desire to support and prepare minority studentsā€™ transition into an evolving and increasingly diverse workforce. 

Morgan State gave Kofi the opportunity to thrive in a supportive environment and to further immerse himself in Black history and culture. During these four years, he learned his alma materā€™s rich legacy of moving the needle on civil rights for African Americans, which heightened his passion for advocating on behalf of young, Black, engineers entering the construction industry. 

Kofi strived to make an influential impact outside of the classroom for his peers at Morgan State. As a 
University Innovation Fellow, Kofi formed and led a team who spearheaded the development of an  at Morgan Stateā€™s School of Engineering. This included securing funding from the institution, finding an underutilized shell space on campus and transforming it into a safe and inclusive place for students to collaborate and innovate. 

Kofi was instrumental in establishing Morgan State as the only HBCU to have a Chi Epsilon chapter of the Civil Engineering Honor Society. As President of Chi Epsilonā€™s 141st chapter, he made it his goal to help each and every member obtain an internship to help grow their professional skills and increase their chances of securing a job after college.

Kofi remains engaged with his alma mater to continue vital work in transitioning African American students into the professional workforce. Through ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s partnership with Morgan State, Kofi serves on the advisory board of the collegeā€™s Construction Management Program and is a member of the companyā€™s Mid-Atlantic recruiting committee where he orchestrates visits to the college to recruit new and diverse talent for the company. As a former ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ intern Kofi also makes himself available to the young recruits on the job by mentoring and coaching them to success. 

But Kofi isnā€™t stopping there. 

When the unjustified killing of George Floyd and protests against police brutality triggered critical conversations nationwide, Kofi joined African American employees across the country to share and deepen the companyā€™s understanding of the Black experience within ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ and the wider industry. Taking a leading role in ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™ newly formed Network of Black Leaders and Executives (NOBLE) affinity group, Kofi moderated an employee panel at  that discussed a comprehensive plan for greater equity and inclusion for Black employees. 

From explaining unconscious racial biases and social injustices to discussing the importance of recruiting and mentoring the African American workforce, Kofi and panelists introduced crucial conversations that opened eyes for employees across the business. It was in this panel that Kofi presented an overarching theme that rang true throughout the entire Together Allies Summit ā€“ being comfortable being uncomfortable

Kofi is determined to be a force for lasting, beneficial change that begins today. In his own words: ā€œThe construction industry must work to normalize conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion, and integrate individuals from diverse background into our labor force to bring real change throughout workplaces across the nation. We know when we accept the different backgrounds of others, actively listen and work cohesively to approach and solve problems in safe and inclusive environments, we can provide a unique and authentic value to the projects we are entrusted to build.ā€

He also praises the work of vested Black team members and the NOBLE affinity group for collectively leading the change and giving employees a platform to address systematic and social injustices impacting minorities in the workplace.

From his days at Morgan State to his career as a project engineer, Kofi is making influential strides and demonstrating why representation matters at all levels in business. As he gives recognition to his experience at Morgan State as some of the best years of his life, ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ is equally honored to have this Relentless Ally helping to drive change in the construction industry.

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Kellie Jasso

Relentless Ally

Fighting Fear

ā€œIn college, I chose to hide my sexuality and did so for many of the same reasons other young LGBTQ+ people do. I simply wanted to be accepted for who I was.

ā€œI didnā€™t want my sexual preference to make my friends uncomfortable or people to think of me any differently than they had before. Over time, however, it broke me down mentally to portray myself as someone I was not. By the time I was looking for internships, I had found myself longing to work in an inclusive and accepting environment where I could be unapologetically gay.

ā€œI wanted to be my authentic self so much that I practically jumped when I received the opportunity to move to Dallas and intern with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„.

ā€œI was overwhelmed and excited all at once. I didnā€™t know anyone in Dallas other than the friendships I had made with my intern classmates. Little did I know that my first internship, and the friendships I formed, would leave a lasting mark on my life and, later, introduce me to my future wife.

ā€œA year later, I accepted a position as a project engineer with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„. I knew ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ was a great company to work for based on my internship experience, but I was still hesitant to reveal my sexuality in the workplace. Although I had made great friends and knew they would be accepting and supportive, I wasnā€™t sure if the company would fully support and protect me based on my sexual preference. I was honestly terrified of losing a job I loved and being torn away from the friends I had come to cherish.

ā€œAt the time, I didnā€™t personally know a woman in a leadership role at ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„, much less one who identified as a lesbian. I thought that moving to a new city with a fresh start would solve my problems, but I had just inherited a new set of very real fears shared by many members of the LGBTQ+ community. I even found myself wondering if my benefits would extend to an LGBTQ+ family or if Iā€™d face bias around, and be passed over for, opportunities because of my sexual orientation. These are all everyday worries that many LGBTQ+ people feel when they are closeted at work or, sadly, even if they are ā€˜outā€™ at work.ā€

Ripping Off the Band-Aid

ā€œFor most, coming out in the workforce is a difficult and very personal decision. I struggled with it for a long time and tried to convince myself that being out with friends and family would be enough. As time passed, I knew that I couldnā€™t be the best version of myself at ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ until I felt comfortable in my own skin. This led to my ā€˜rip the Band-Aid offā€™ decision to bring a date to my company Christmas party. To my surprise, I was welcomed with encouraging words and excitement, a milestone that changed everything for me.

ā€œWere there people who disapproved? Maybe. But for the first time in years, I honestly stopped caring what others thought, which released so much pent-up anxiety and fears seemingly overnight. I started focusing on what I loved about my job and why I chose to pursue a career in construction. It meant a lot to me to be recognized based on my work ethic and merit versus what I thought I would be judged for.ā€

Breaking Barriers

ā€œIn 2020, ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ accomplished a DE&I milestone when it launched the Building PRIDE employee affinity group, representing the LGBTQ+ community and allies within the workplace. It was a true highlight of my career when I was asked to join the inaugural team.

ā€œI was inspired to connect with LGBTQ+ employees from across the business and work toward a common mission: Strengthening ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ as a diverse and inclusive company that encourages a culture of respect for all sexual orientations and gender identities to better reflect the communities in which we work, live, and play.

ā€œĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ also hosted an inaugural Diversity Equity and Inclusion Together Allies Summit, which consisted of company teammates across the nation tuning in virtually to nearly 11 hours of DEI-dedicated conversations and programming. It provided meaningful peer-to-peer discussions and roundtables led by our affinity groups, Building PRIDE, Connecting Women, and the Network of Black Leaders and Executives.

ā€œWe discussed intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality in the workplace, professional development for women in construction, microaggressions, and the importance of straight allies, among other meaningful topics.ā€

Being the Exception to the Rule

ā€œTo bring everything full circle, I recently got engaged to that same woman I initially met years ago during my internship, and we celebrated with all of my Texas teammates at our quarterly meetingā€”a surreal moment when I look back over the last 10 years. Iā€™ve been lucky enough to have incredible mentors and given opportunities to step up at work, within my local community, and as an LGBTQ+ representative. There is no doubt my journey is a success story.

ā€œItā€™s also important to acknowledge that I am the exception, not the rule. There are so many stories of harassment and discrimination in the workplace that often go untold because of the fear of retaliation or losing oneā€™s job.

ā€œI ask that employees and, most importantly, employers really look in the mirror and ask themselves if theyā€™re doing everything they can to listen and support those with experiences and perspectives that may be different than their own. Change starts at the top, and the support disseminates from leadership to the employees.ā€

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Jordan Webster

Relentless Ally

Turning Pain into Purpose: This Veteran Uses Warā€™s Wounds for Good

In a sudden, violent burst, shrapnel ricochets through the air like fireworks, slamming combat medic Jordan Webster to the ground. Before the cloud of dust and smoke clears, Jordan spots a crumpled silhouette on the ground only a few feet away. It is his brother-in-arms, who just a few minutes prior, switched places with Jordan while en route to attend to other wounded soldiers. As he watches blood stain the dry dirt of southwest Baghdad, Jordan knows that for this brave soldier, there will be no wounds to pack and no tourniquets to tighten. Like thousands of Americans who gave all in the name of freedom, Jordanā€™s friend will leave this war-torn land with fifty stars and thirteen stripes bearing eternal witness to his sacrifice. 

Fifteen years later, Jordan can still recall every detail of that deadly IED explosion down to the oppressiveness of the desert air, thick with the scent of hot lead and diesel fuel. It is Jordanā€™s first combat mission in Iraqā€”a day of days that would define and divide his life much in the same way history is separated by B.C. and A.D. There is only before, only after. 

Although Jordan would go on to execute many missions during the year in which he was deployed with the Scout Sniper Unit as part of the U.S. Army 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, in many ways time ground to a halt on December 27, 2005. With fingers curled around the cold metal of an M4 carbine rifle and medic bag slung over his shoulder, Jordan learns to measure the distance between life and death in inches and seconds. It is a lesson that will prepare him well for a future career in construction safety. 

But when Jordan returned home to his next duty station in San Antonio, Texas, building a career outside the military wasnā€™t on his immediate radar. Neither was seeking support for his invisible wounds that would later be diagnosed as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and survivor syndrome. 

Many nights, Jordan would wake to images of bullet-riddled buildings and mouths gasping for their last breaths, his heart racing in rhythm with the crack of sniper fire. ā€œItā€™s like looking at the sun,ā€ Jordan compares, ā€œthe images are burned into you.ā€ Other nights, sleep would elude him entirely. Hailing from a long line of soldiers who shared stories of heroism in war but never its horrors, Jordan did not seek help for nearly two years. 

Although Jordan has accepted that his personal battle may always rage on, he has turned pain into purpose by raising awareness within the construction community about the importance of mental health and suicide prevention. It would take exposure to a potentially fatal yet highly preventable construction accident to set his destiny in motion.

Stationed halfway around the world managing an emergency medical clinic at Camp Stanley in South Korea, Jordan was accustomed to triaging almost every type of illness and injury. But when a construction worker was rushed in, having suffered electrical shock when his boom lift contacted an energized power line, Jordan felt overwhelming emotional exhaustion. ā€œThe compassion was there,ā€ Jordan recalls, ā€œbut I didnā€™t have any more capacity for exposure to horrific injuries.ā€

A career change was in order, but what, Jordan pondered? He enjoyed working with his hands, and growing up, had visited construction sites with his grandfather who owned a door subcontracting company. Dynamic, challenging and demanding complex problem-solving skills, construction checked all of Jordanā€™s boxes, and he enrolled in Texas A&M Universityā€™s construction science program. 

The stars further aligned when Jordan interviewed for an internship with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ on 
The New Parkland Hospital. When asked if he would consider working with the safety team due to his medical experience, Jordan responded ā€œIā€™ll do anything you want,ā€ hiding his skepticism.

It wasnā€™t long before Jordan realized he had not only found the perfect career track, but also a home and another ā€˜band of brothersā€™ at ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„. When he woke up late one morning, he feared reprimand or even the termination of his internshipā€”despite disclosing his PTSD diagnosis. Instead, he was met with compassion and a reminder that ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ puts people and their health first in every situation. ā€œBalfour saw in me a skillset no was else was looking for and created a safe, supportive environment where I could contribute,ā€ praises Jordan. 

And heā€™s been a key member of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s Texas Buildings team ever since, creating a safety culture for teammates and trade partners grounded in three principles: production, safety and quality. For Jordan, these facets of project performance are inextricably linked. ā€œIā€™ve heard people say, ā€˜Production is our problem. Safety is our problem.ā€™ No, itā€™s one team, one fight.ā€

Jordanā€™s experiences in Iraq give him a unique lens into the mindsets of our trade partners, many of whom are immigrants trying to provide for their families. ā€œIf Iā€™m a worker, and you give me a six-foot ladder when I really need an eight-foot ladder and tell me to go do this task, Iā€™m probably going to do it.ā€ For Jordan, thatā€™s where psychological safety comes into play. By showing workers that we care about their safety and well-being, mindsets shift, and they become more comfortable voicing their needs and concerns. 

Jordan Websterā€™s unlikely journey to become a construction safety leader began in a different continent and under tragic circumstances. A few inches spared his life on December 27, 2005, while it claimed the life of a brother-in-arms and a friend. 

Real heroes rarely boast about their acts of valor. They sign up and stand up, never counting the cost. And if we arenā€™t careful, we can miss the ones like Jordan walking quietly among us, continuing the mission with a servantā€™s heart and a soldierā€™s unwavering duty. 

ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ is committed to creating an inclusive workplace that recognizes the unique value, skills and experiences that veterans offer. Looking to build your career alongside veterans like Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) Director Jordan Webster? Click here to explore our current opportunities. Learn  about ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s veteran recruitment efforts and why the construction industry is an ideal fit for veterans. 

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Gil Fullen

Relentless Ally

Itā€™s Not Just Business, itā€™s Personal

Gildardo ā€œGilā€ Fullen has always been a people person. One of eight children, Gil was the first in his family to be born in the United States after his parents and siblings immigrated from Guadalajara, Jalisco.

As a student at Long Beach State University, he tried his hand at astronomy, aerospace engineering, interior design, architecture, and mechanical engineering before finding the right fit in construction engineering management and graduate studies in civil engineering. 

Overwhelmingly, Gil found it was the people and management tasks he enjoyed most. After exploring every facet of the industry, he was able to zero in on his true calling: working with people and building projects. 

Gil embraced life in the field with a passion thatā€™s still evident today. Just as he did in his college days, Gil explored all the various roles and responsibilities, working his way up from an intern to field superintendent, and learning the technical facets and soft skills towards  becoming a very well-rounded project manager.

Realizing that his teammates were his best teachers, Gil made the effort to absorb as much as he could from everyone. "The field is really important if you want to learn the technical aspects. I saw all of the subcontractors as my teachers and I would pull them in and ask questions related to their expertise. I was learning from the field as much as I couldā€.

One of the best lessons he picked up was that knowing how to build relationships was just as important as knowing how to build structures and, in many cases, can make all the difference in the success of a project.

Through a combination of technical, people and relationship skills, Gil quickly earned respect in the field and the California education market (a focal point for much of his career). It also earned him a major promotion. At 32, Gil became the youngest vice president and first Latino executive of Barnhart (later acquired by ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„). 

This promotion was a huge source of pride for Gil and his family. He also saw it as a huge opportunity for those around him: ā€œWhen I realized I was the only Latino executive I told myself I have a seat at the table now, I can impact people, support their growth and serve as a minority leader to motivate and inspire others.ā€

Around the same time, he took on another more personal role ā€“ father to his daughters, Makena and Avarie. Suddenly his work resonated on a more personal level. ā€œI visited a school district to assess their existing facilities during a summer school day and saw kids with red sweaty faces because the air conditioning wasnā€™t working. I wouldnā€™t want my daughters in this type of learning environment. Having children made it more personal, it wasnā€™t just about business, itā€™s about building an environment thatā€™s going to help kids.ā€

Gilā€™s personalized approach matched by high-quality work has been instrumental in solidifying ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s success and expertise in the California K-12 and higher education markets. The work we perform has consistently been rewarded with repeat work and some of our most enduring client relationships. As Gil explains: ā€œThe more we successfully deliver our projects, the more our clients advocate for us in their circles. When we get a new client, we want to keep them for decades. When they see we really are interested in doing the right thing for them and the wider community it makes a huge difference.ā€

Many of the relationships he has built in the field are still a part of Gilā€™s life today. After almost 20 years in operations, Gil transitioned onto our Business Development team, where he continues to focus on building successful long-term client relationships. 

Gil is equally committed to connecting with his teammates - particularly the younger generations rising through the ranks - and responding to their individual needs, whatever they may be.

As Gil explains: ā€œI mentor people to not only take over my role but to support them, help them. Just being there for people is important. Through the years, when they face barriers or issues, they confide in me. Sometimes itā€™s personal issues and they trust me to listen and support them.ā€

Seeing people thrive on an individual level is important to Gil. As an outspoken champion for diversity and inclusion, Gil has participated and presented at numerous diversity-related industry events including the Women in Construction USA San Francisco conference in 2019. He also teaches at the Coalition for Adequate School Housing Organization ā€“ School Facilities Leadership Academy and volunteers as a coach through Landmark Education, a leadership program he has supported for the last 20 years. 

Although Gil has made a name for himself as one of the best builders in the business, he credits all his success to the human connections he has forged throughout his career. Whether itā€™s speaking in his native language to Latino employees on his jobsite or speaking up for the kids in his school district, Gil has always put people and relationships first. 

Gil is a shining example that by putting people at the heart of what we do, we build more than just structures. We build lasting relationships with our clients, partners and teammates on an individual level that can benefit entire communities.

For Gil, what we do is more than just business, itā€™s personal.

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Erica Frandsen

Relentless Ally

Leading with Intention

From winning work to investing in our local communities, Erica Frandsenā€™s commitment to excellence has positioned ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ to build new futures across California.

From winning work to helping cement ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s reputation as an industry and community leader, the roles and responsibilities of a construction marketing professional extend far beyond sales and advertising. For Marketing Director Erica Frandsen, activities like building morale amongst her team, organizing local volunteer opportunities and even supporting the next generation of builders are all in a dayā€™s work. 

Since joining ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ in 2013, Erica has exemplified intentional leadership beyond her colleagues and communities. In 2021, Erica, along with her husband and ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ Director, Sacramento Kyle Frandsen, developed and executed a plan in collaboration with the companyā€™s local leadership to open a new office in Sacramento. This strategy has effectively positioned ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ to expand our presence into the growing K-12 and higher education markets in and around the Sacramento communityā€”among other exciting opportunities. 

Since that time, Erica has played an integral role in growing the footprint of the business, as recently demonstrated by the teamā€™s first project awardā€”the $2.8 million Natomas High School Administration Building for new client, Natomas Unified School District. The team also secured a $35 million progressive design-build contract to build the new C80 Creekview Elementary School for Roseville City School Districtā€”amongst 15 local competitors.

But it isn't simply achievements such as opening a new office and delivering critical project wins that have lifted Erica to new levels of leadership. Erica says the key component of her intentional leadership is always remaining cognizant of her teammates' daily hard work, both on and off the jobsite.

In 2020 when COVID-19 required jobsite teams to rapidly implement new safety and operational procedures, Erica created a program designed to encourage ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ teammates on the front lines of the pandemic. She implemented a "Project Pride" campaign to recognize jobsite teams for their dedication and commitment to the safety and health of our people and partners as they continued to deliver industry-leading projects for our clients.

Erica understands that leading with intention also requires forward-thinking. As the co-chair of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„'s summer internship program in California, Erica demonstrates her passion for investing in the builders of tomorrow and the importance of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s role in ensuring a robust talent pipeline. 

"One of the best ways we can help solve the labor issues our industry faces is to provide meaningful internship opportunities," adds Erica. ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s summer internship program in California spans six weeks, includes opportunities for various roles both on and off the jobsite and culminates in an annual scholarship presentation experience.

Additionally, Erica has also supported the next generation of construction leaders through her service on the 2020, 2021 and 2022 Judges Panel for the national Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Student Competition. 

As an intentional leader, Erica understands that ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s impact reaches far beyond our jobsites and into the communities where we live and build. Throughout her tenure with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„, Erica led the annual Red Shoe Day, participating alongside her teammates to collectively raise over $20,000 in support of San Diego's Ronald McDonald House Charities. 

She has also co-led the coordination of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s annual Green Apple Day of Service for the past seven yearsā€”an effort that has provided sustainable campus beautification projects for several of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„'s valued education clients. 

But even with the various activities she spearheads, Erica's teammates know that she will never lose sight of her primary focus and passion ā€“ leading challenging efforts to procure new work for ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„. Since joining the company, Erica has contributed to securing 34 project wins totaling over $750 million worth of work. These include new progressive design-build K-14 school campuses, energy-efficiency retrofits and large design-build youth transition centers among other projects that have helped build new futures across California. In 2021, she also collaborated with a team that secured a 
$2.5 billion, five-year pool selection with the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Southwest. Erica is now taking her efforts one step further in support of the new Sacramento office, chasing challenging opportunities with new school district partners against top local competitors. 

Due to her exceptional contributions, the San Diego Business Journal recognized Erica as a 2020 Outstanding Woman in Construction and Design as well as a . 

Whether she's creating compelling proposals, giving back to the community or even launching a new office, Erica demonstrates the same intentional leadership and commitment to excellence that exemplifies ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s reputation as a people-first business.

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Ellie McBride

Relentless Ally

A little over two years ago, Ellie McBride packed her bags and left her home in the UK for a new opportunity with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ in the US. After four years working with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ UKā€™s major projects business and the opportunity to travel to over 30 countries, Ellie had set her sights stateside.

Working as a field engineer on the
Jimmy DeLoach Project in Savannah, Georgia, Ellie felt ready for the career and lifestyle changes that came with her move. Although the transition put her in a new role with different expectations, she soon adapted to life on site and began the construction of six structures on the project.

ā€œWhen I arrived, many things were different from what I was used to, but that is to be expected,ā€ says Ellie. ā€œFortunately, I had our business manager, Sherrie Drinnen. She took me under her wing, helped me settle in my role so that I could fulfill my responsibilities in this new environment. Sherrieā€™s support made my transition more straightforward.ā€

Career changes arenā€™t the only differences Ellie has overcome during her two years in the U.S. On top of tackling a language barrier (deep southern accents can be tough!), there are subtle lifestyle differences that require some adjustment. Everything from calculating time differences when communicating with family back home, driving on a different side of the road and even grocery shopping looks little different. As is her personality, Ellie tackles all of this with energy, determination and a good sense of humor.

While Ellie certainly misses her friends, family and dog, Tom, sheā€™s enjoying her opportunity to work in the U.S. and is making the most out of her time here.

When sheā€™s not hard at work, Ellie likes to explore new places and continues to immerse herself in American culture by attending baseball and football games, traveling interstate to visit friends, hiking and even plans to attempt a few water sports.

Staying true to her adventurous nature and hoping to gain more experience in the early construction phase, Ellie recently made her way to Texas, to begin work on our design-build  project.

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Dimelina Mora

Relentless Ally

A Lifelong Learner and Admired Advocate

Inquisitive by nature, Dimelina Mora enjoys learning from the different perspectives and backgrounds of her colleagues and industry peers, gaining what she calls ā€œan ever-growing catalogue of knowledge.ā€ By proactively seeking to learn from others, Dimelina has grown personally and professionally while making an impact on those around her. She values the diversity of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ employees and the unique backgrounds they bring to the table, including how our people influence the clients and partners with which we interact and the influential dialogue we lead within our company and industry. 

Dimelina didnā€™t always have her sights set on a career in construction. During her sophomore year of college, Dimelina was searching for an internship to gain experience and exposure to the workforce, primarily setting her sights on the design industry. It was by happenstance that an opportunity with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ emerged. 

As a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, an organization in which Dimelina still participates today, she was coordinating a career fair for her peers. ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ recognized her talent in managing the event and requested her resumeā€”and the rest is history! Beginning as an intern, Dimelina has built her nine-year career exclusively with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„.

Dimelinaā€™s first internship included working on a Special Projects Group (SPG) interior renovation for Georgia Techā€™s School of Civil Engineering, more formally known as the Mason Building. Although she was originally hesitant to pursue general contracting due to a lack of exposure about the field, she credits her internship with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ as instrumental in changing her outlook on the trajectory of her career and discovering her passions in the industry. 

She describes her internship experience as both rewarding and collaborative: ā€œFrom trade partners to clients, everyone was eager and willing to share their wisdom, best practices and experiences with me. It was a wonderful learning environment.ā€

Today, Dimelina is a project manager with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s SPG team based out of Atlanta, Georgia, and she has made it her mission to raise awareness regarding opportunities in the construction industry. Specifically, she focuses on educating K-12 studentsā€”especially students with diverse backgroundsā€”on opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields and occupations.

Frank Fotia, project executive with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s SPG in Georgia, praises, ā€œDimelina is a key member of our Atlanta SPG team and displays the type of positivity, teamwork and collaboration we want on all our project teams. Sheā€™s made her home here at ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ and continues to grow our client base and make us better. Her passion for our industry and the many types of people who surround her is infectious.ā€

Dimelina believes ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s foundation for success is rooted in the companyā€™s advancement of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives. With this core belief as a guiding principle, Dimelina has served on both the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) board as well as the American Society of Civil Engineers Younger Members (ASCE YM) board. She also actively participates in workshops with non-profits such as Goodwill and hands-on service and training programs led by organizations such as West Side Works, a program for individuals with diverse backgrounds.

ā€œThe more perspectives we have, the more well-rounded individuals and organizations we become,ā€ she asserts. 

Dimelina is also a passionate advocate for increasing womenā€™s representation in construction. She advises women in the construction trades to be ā€œvivacious,ā€ and to ā€œdo one thing every day that makes us proud and one thing that plants a positive seed for the future.ā€ 

Although Dimelina may not have originally dreamed of pursuing a construction career, she has not only seized every opportunity in her path but also expanded her sphere of influence within ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„, her industry and communityā€”growing exponentially as a builder and leader.

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Deanna Skipper

Relentless Ally

Taking the Healthcare Industry by Storm

If it is a manā€™s world, then someone (with apologies to James Brown) surely forgot to tell Deanna Skipper. Deanna and women like her have completely flipped the script, challenging convention one square foot at a time.

And speaking of square feet, Deannaā€™s built thousands of them, primarily in the healthcare market. But her story almost had an entirely different ending. After graduating from Coastal Carolina University with a degree in business, Deanna quickly found herself daydreaming about a career that wouldnā€™t confine her to claustrophobia-inducing cubicles. 

Fortunately, Deanna didnā€™t have to look far to discover an opportunity that would offer the adventure and variety she was seeking. Her younger and older brothers had since graduated from Clemson Universityā€™s construction management program, and it wasnā€™t long before Deanna dove headfirst in their footsteps. Undaunted by the prospect of attending lectures alongside wide-eyed freshmen several years her junior, Deanna was equally fearless about entering a male-dominated workforce.

ā€œI knew Iā€™d be a minority,ā€ recalls Deanna, ā€œbut I canā€™t say I ever gave it much thought or felt like Iā€™d be at a disadvantage.ā€ Then again, talent tends to beget the kind of confidence that can shatter any glass ceiling. 

David Stanton, vice president of operations and healthcare business unit leader for ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ in Charlotte, recognized the ā€œit factorā€ in Deanna immediately. Since the first day of her internship at Greer Memorial Hospital, Deanna has learned the ropes of healthcare construction from David, and sheā€™s quick to credit him for guiding her to become the accomplished project manager she is today. 

ā€œWhat havenā€™t I learned from David?ā€ says Deanna. ā€œHeā€™s a supervisor who pushes me, but heā€™s also a friend who encourages me.ā€ 

It helps to have experts like David just a phone call away when youā€™re renovating critical facilities with standards such as infection control that arenā€™t part of typical construction vernacular. But Deanna has become a healthcare construction expert in her rite, becoming othersā€™ first call when best-laid plans go awry. 

She led, for example, a 12,000-square-foot addition to Seacoast Hospitalā€™s Emergency Department (ED) in Little River, SC. Several weeks before the projectā€™s scheduled completion, Deanna received a design change that might have thwarted a less experienced builder. ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ was tasked with converting two rooms into psychiatric holding areas, which possess unique requirements like overhead cooling doors and in-wall security consoles to eliminate the potential for patient self-injury. 

The project team faced uphill challenges, beginning with the fact that most of the roomsā€™ complex systems were also long lead items, requiring nearly the same amount of time to deliver as ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ had to complete construction. Having built a similar psych hold room for Roper Mt. Pleasant Hospital just a few years before, Deanna led a successful sprint to the finish, even obtaining a separate certificate of occupancy for the ED while the team finished out the remaining rooms. 

Over the years, Deanna has developed a reputation as a project manager whoā€™d much rather step back into the shadows and shine the spotlight on her team. Sheā€™s far from reticent, however, when it comes to discussing the technical aspects of her job from cooling towers and central energy plants to generators and medical gases. 

Her biggest point of pride? The people sheā€™s served, from families welcoming dreams come true in state-of-the-art delivery rooms to nurses ministering more efficiently to little boys with broken arms or women waiting tensely for mammogram results in tranquil consultation rooms. 

Deanna may not have come in on the first wave of women breaking ground in construction, but make no mistake, she has played a role in the evolution of her industry, both by epitomizing operational excellence and refusing to accept any barriers to it. In doing so, Deanna defines the very essence of leadership. 

What an indelible mark for a woman to make.

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Beth Davis

Relentless Ally

Born to Build 

Beth Davis was visiting construction sites before she could walk. Perhaps thatā€™s why these days, sheā€™s pretty comfortable running some of the largest and most complex jobsites in the Southeast. 

A second-generation builder who learned the ropes of large commercial projects from her father, the Ohio native has spent her entire 20-year career with ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„, building a resume that would spark envy even amongst the most seasoned industry veterans. And sheā€™s done it with a combination of sweat equity and earned swagger. 

A recognized ground-up construction expert, Beth has helped shape the Charlotte skyline. Her mark includes the $76 million 
Kimpton Tryon Park Hotel in Uptown Charlotte and the new corporate headquarters for Corning Fiber.

Beth can credit countless other high-profile projects to her name. She oversaw interiors work for SPXā€™s Corporate Global Headquarters, a LEED Silver project that received a first place Eagle Award from the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Carolinas Chapter. 

Speaking of awards, Beth helped another marquee project receive a few of its own. Considering the jobā€™s difficulty, itā€™s little wonder the collective industry took notice. Beth led a talented team that put nearly 340,000 square feet of work in place in just nine months. It took 12+ hours, seven days a week to achieve the feat of craftsmanship that is the LEED Platinum . ā€œI learned the power of maintaining a positive attitude and persevering,ā€ recalls Beth. 

Though her portfolio primarily spans the private sector, Bethā€™s fondest memories are of a $200 million Central Campus for the Army Corps of Engineers. ā€œIt was something new and different,ā€ she reminisces. Both qualities are key to Bethā€™s love of construction. ā€œI like the process of creating something from nothing. Youā€™re never doing the same thing twice in this field.ā€ 

Given the demands of her all-consuming career, itā€™s tough to imagine Beth having time to pursue many hobbies or interests once sheā€™s kicked off her (often muddy) steel-toe boots. While sheā€™s meeting project milestones, Beth is masterfully managing the schedules, routines and day-to-day organization of her family. Recognizing the importance of educating and inspiring the next generation of builders, Beth also plays an active role in mentoring ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s up-and-coming project engineers and project managers in Charlotte. 

Itā€™s safe to say Beth never dreamed of a path that didnā€™t include building. For those women contemplating a career that mirrors her own, Beth offers this advice, ā€œBe passionate and take ownership of your work. Construction is all about following through from start to finish.ā€ 

While Beth is aware of the reality that she is both a woman of influence and a minority in a demanding and competitive industry, sheā€™s always maintained a firm policy of checking her apologies at the trailer door, refusing to concede any assumption that she doesnā€™t belong. 

ā€œIf you treat others the way you want to be treatedā€”with responsiveness and respectā€”you earn both in this industry. That really holds true for anything in life,ā€ she argues. 

Outspoken but fair, confident but compassionate, Beth Davis and women like her are the future of our industry.

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Ashrita Parvataneni

Relentless Ally

Rising to the Challenge

Ashrita always knew that she was destined for an active, hands-on career. She enjoys being outside in the fresh air and sunshine and has a scientific mind that relishes a challenge. With a can-do attitude and a strong determination to help her teammates succeed, Ashrita is building an impressive construction career by relying on her keen problem-solving and communication skills to foster collaboration and identify innovative solutions for her teams and projects.

Born and raised in India among a family of engineers and scientists, Ashrita moved to the U.S. to pursue her college education. As a student at Purdue University, Ashrita considered multiple technical fields, but civil engineering felt like the right fit. 

Armed with a bachelorā€™s and masterā€™s degree, she began her career working for a structural engineer in Houston. She enjoyed the stimulating work and was thrilled to be a team member on multiple ENR award-winning projects in Houston and southern California. However, after spending time on jobsites and seeing construction managers in action, she dreamed of a future in the field.  When she heard ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ was hiring field engineers in northern California, she jumped at the chance. 

Ashrita has excelled in the fast-paced, ever-changing environment of construction management. Currently in her sixth year in the profession, she recently received a promotion to project engineer and is serving as a member of the 
Caltrain Electrification project. This complex, urban project includes working in a 150-year-old right-of-way.

During the installation of pile footings on the project, crews discovered an abandoned foundation fifteen feet underground that dated back to the early 1900s. The object was obstructing the path of the piles. Working into the early hours of the morning, Ashrita and the designer developed a plan to safely move the footing. Ashritaā€™s adaptability and creative thinking helped her team keep the project on schedule.

When Ashrita is not at the jobsite, she enjoys volunteering for community-based construction organizations, including  and . As a member of the  (UNV) program, she has also travelled to the Philippines to work on a wastewater treatment facility.

Ashrita feels fortunate to work in such a challenging and rewarding industry. As she has witnessed the industry become increasingly more diverse and inclusive, she appreciates all the individuals who have paved the way to ensure a more equitable future for women. Yet, from her first day on-site as a field engineer, Ashrita has observed areas in which more progress is needed.

ā€œWorking alongside my ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ teammates, I am respected, and my contributions are appreciated,ā€ Ashrita explains. ā€œHowever, the workforce is predominantly male, and it can present unique challenges to establish trust with those who do not have a lot of experience working with women. Once they get to know me and know my work, they begin to trust me, but it takes communication and tenacity to break down barriers.ā€

Ashrita is quick to point out that once relationships of mutual trust are established, the same trade partners will go out of their way to assist her in accomplishing jobsite tasks. Still, she feels that continuing to advance the number of women in construction, and supporting these women, is paramount in creating a more equitable and inclusive work environment. In support of this, in 2021 Ashrita served as a panelist ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s first ā€œ Alliesā€ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit to discuss allyship and how men can advocate for women.

Ashrita is proud of the honest dialogue that occurred at the conference and the continuing efforts of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s Connecting Women employee affinity group. ā€œConnecting Women provides a platform for empowering the women of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ to discuss issues that are still prevalent in our industry and gives the men of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ an opportunity to understand how they can support their teammates and be an advocate for change in our industry.ā€

Ask Ashrita if more can be done, and her prowess at finding solutions quickly reveals itself. 

ā€œWe need more women in higher operational and administrative positions to serve as role models and mentors. There are also opportunities to continue to grow our Connecting Women employee affinity group and create a mentorship program to help women from across the company support each other and recruit new women to enter the industry.ā€

Being flexible, adaptive and always looking for more efficient ways to solve issues is how Ashrita approaches her daily work and her career. She appreciates that ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ is a people-first company unflinchingly tackling workforce equality issues to move the construction industry forward. It is construction professionals and leaders like Ashrita who will get this job done, and she is up for the challenge.

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April Medlin

Relentless Ally

Paving the Road for Future Generations

When April Medlin was young, she dreamt of helping people by becoming a nurse. Little did she know, instead of through nursing, she would impact the lives of hundreds of children through her role in the construction industry.

Aprilā€™s unlikely journey began when she graduated with a degree in sociology. At the time, April had already shifted gears from nursing to setting her sights on educating and inspiring future generations by earning her teaching credentials. 

During her time as a student teacher at a local middle school, April was touched by a moment she experienced with a young girl. The school had taken a group of children on a field trip to the nearby community college, where they displayed a plethora of unique career options. 

When the class was leaving, April began a conversation with a young girl, asking questions aimed at what she wanted her future to hold. ā€œMy mom works at Taco Bell and puts food on the table every night for me and my siblings. I think that is a good job. I want to work at Taco Bell,ā€ the young girl said in response. April pondered the thought for a moment. She had never considered the prospect of children not wanting to pursue a postsecondary education. 

Curious, April asked the student if she wanted to attend college and received a firm ā€œnoā€ in response. April continued pressing the topic, asking questions about what the young girl was interested in and whether she had considered pursuing her passions in the beauty industry. The young girl began to light up as April explained the potential career paths within that industry. This is the moment that ignited a fire within April to continue guiding and supporting children who may not be exposed to the opportunities available to them. 

As fate would have it, April began working at ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ over 12 years ago when she learned more about a field she had never previously considered. Many misconceptions about the construction industry exist, including that it is labor intensive with visualizations of hammering nails, setting framework and pouring concrete. But, as April discovered, there are many avenues to pursue a career in this field. 

Today, as a project accountant manager for ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ in California, April oversees a vast array of vital business activities. Her responsibilities range from overseeing accounting processes to developing a team of adept accountants. April is even helping drive the implementation of a new software to help streamline accounting practices nationally. 

April now takes every opportunity to help younger generations explore new paths and shape their futures. Volunteering at Abraxas High School in Poway, CA, April relates to the students by sharing the twists and turns of her own career. She helps expose students to apprenticeship programs, networking events and even internships that can be taken advantage of while they are in high school. 

ā€œ[As a builder focused on education facilities] We build things that matter, that give me pride and impact students every day,ā€ states April.

April discovered this volunteer opportunity through the 
Womenā€™s Construction Coalitionā€™s Julie Morgan Society. This program was founded with the goal of inspiring younger generations to pursue the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industries by providing them with related mentorships and scholarships. The program presents high schoolers with options for achieving education through venues such as a traditional four-year education or apprenticeship programs. They also provide networking events where students can meet and connect with industry professionals. 

A trusted advisor, April reviews and recommends training materials for teachers to utilize in their classrooms. Leveraging her experience as a teacher, she also works with the students, guiding them through the Julie Morgan Society program and assisting them in filling out applications for scholarships. 

Having found her own door of opportunity, April shares her story of working her way through a variety of careers, eventually rising through the ranks at ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ where she began as an accounts payable clerk. Even though April isn't working in a field related to her degree, she inspires those around her and is shaping future generations through her outreach efforts.

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Annie Hughes

Relentless Ally

An Industry Pioneer

To this day, people sometimes express surprise when they find out Preconstruction Director Annie Hughes works in construction. The surprise usually gives way to the assumption that she performs an administrative role. Little do they know, this couldnā€™t be further from the truth.

Annie isnā€™t one to boast about her significant accomplishments, but - as anyone who knows her will tell you - she should be. With over 36 years of experience, Annie is a well-known industry pioneer who continues to inspire and mentor others.

Before her career had even begun, Annie was forging a path that would challenge the status quo and lead the way for other young women. Blessed with a natural ability in math and science, Annie was encouraged by her brother-in-law, Eluster Fields (a civil engineer) to consider a career in engineering. After asking herself ā€œwhy not?ā€ she went on to become the second African American female to graduate from the prestigious University of Cincinnatiā€™s civil engineering program ā€“ a success that she considers as one of her proudest achievements. Note: if you visit the school today you will still see Annieā€™s graduation  picture from 1982 gracing the hall.

Annieā€™s initial interest was in engineering but she quickly fell in love with construction after realizing that sitting in an office staring at plans all day was not for her. Her first job out of college took her through a rigorous training program that allowed her to touch every aspect of the construction process. This experience served as the basis of her well-rounded career that began in the cost department, progressed to the field and eventually led to her main specialization: preconstruction.

Today, Annie is a trusted expert responsible for our Charlotte teamā€™s estimating and preconstruction efforts. She is described by her teammates as a natural leader whoā€™s never afraid to take on a challenge or speak her mind. These traits have served her well over the years, but Annie admits they have sometimes been tested, particularly in her first years after college: ā€œstarting out in a male-dominated industry, nobody was ever mean to me, but there was a sense that they were questioning why I was there.ā€ 

For Annie, the answer was obvious, she was there to learn and build iconic work, just like everybody else. Annie stayed true to pursuing these goals by seeking lessons to be learned from everyone she worked with. Ultimately, her willingness to learn and ask questions allowed her to build solid connections with her teammates and an enviable bank of knowledge that she in turn, continues to share with her teammates today. 

Annie now commands significant industry respect, but she is conscious that for many women, the construction industry can still be a challenging environment. From her own experience, sheā€™s seen that forging a strong support network is key, so she makes herself available to other women as a guiding influence to answer questions and share advice when needed. 

Annieā€™s readiness to help and encourage other women is also evident in her personal life. In her own family, her niece, Candance Campbell was inspired to pursue a career in engineering, just like her aunt. And, in addition to her fast-paced career and commitment to her beloved family, she finds time to support a womenā€™s ministry and volunteer for Girl Talk, a local non-profit initiative that empowers teenage girls. 

The advice Annie offers to the women and young girls in her life applies to anyone whoā€™s game to follow their dreams and shatter assumptions: ā€œyouā€™ve got to be strong enough to know what youā€™re talking about and find people who will back you up.ā€ But, she warns: ā€œnone of that will help if you havenā€™t done your homework first.ā€

Those who know or have worked with Annie will know that this isnā€™t just casual advice, itā€™s a lesson she took the liberty of discovering firsthand and continues to demonstrate to this day. And if you consider the heights Annie has scaled ā€“ youā€™ll appreciate just how valuable a lesson it is. 

A womanā€™s decision to pursue a career in construction may still come as a surprise to some. But as more and more women follow Annieā€™s lead and find their voice we will reach the stage where thereā€™s no more surprises or false assumptions. Just iconic work by brilliant builders like Annie. 

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Amy Kennedy

Relentless Ally

Excellence Through Inclusion

Amy Kennedy is an expert at managing prolific and sensitive projects. With a diverse portfolio that includes entertainment, hospitality, multi-family and senior living facilities, she excels at leading intricate, multi-phased projects. During her time with the business, Amy has been an integral member of 24 project teams responsible for delivering more than $2.9 billion in work in Central Florida.

As vice president in Central Florida, Amy is a leader in winning work, oversees strategic accounts and manages best-in-class teams. She is a widely respected, inclusive and connected leader who is passionate about giving others the opportunity to experience the same success she has enjoyed throughout her career.

An Industry Fit

To speak with her today, itā€™s hard to believe there was a time when Amy wasnā€™t sure what she wanted to do. Unlike many of her peers in the industry, Amy had never been exposed to construction growing up and hadnā€™t considered it as her career path until it was time for college.

Amyā€™s mother recognized from a young age that her daughter would not be satisfied with a desk jobā€”she needed something more hands-on. She arranged a day for Amy to shadow a family friend who owned a commercial construction company, and the rest is history.

ā€œI didnā€™t know half of what I was looking at or listening to,ā€ Amy recalls. ā€œBut I could tell that every day would be new and different and that my love for problem solving would be well-suited for this industry.ā€

From Mentee to Mentor

Amy went on to study construction science and management at Clemson University and joined ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ as a project engineer in 2000. Her first experience in the industry was delivering a major hospitality project in Orlando, Florida. That project proved to be formative not only for establishing Amy within the business, but also for determining how she would go on to build, support and develop teammates through people-first leadership.

ā€œI was given a lot of responsibility from my very first day on the job,ā€ Amy explains. ā€œFrom day one, I was surrounded by people who wanted to support me and guide me as I was navigating the industry. My breadth of knowledge grew exponentially on that first project.ā€

As she has moved up in the business from project engineer to vice president of operations, Amy has placed a high priority on mentorship, helping the more junior members of her team by giving them high levels of responsibility then guiding them as they navigate projects.

ā€œIā€™ve been really fortunate to have wonderful mentors throughout my career,ā€ Amy says. ā€œAs I continue to climb the ladder, itā€™s important for me to help elevate those coming in behind me.ā€

Collaborating to Elevate Entertainment and Hospitality

Amyā€™s collaborative mindset has led to the success of many projects, including the unparalleled entertainment and hospitality experiences she has become an expert in building. To create these community-anchoring establishments, Amy not only assembles teams of experts committed to operational excellence, but she also works alongside longstanding, local trade partners to achieve the clientā€™s vision.

ā€œPainters, electricians, and framers all serve any type of building construction, but the demands of hospitality and entertainment construction are unique and particular,ā€ Amy affirms. ā€œTo build the best tourist attractions, we work hand-in-hand with our best, longstanding trade allies.ā€

From upgrading and expanding attractions for premier entertainment companies to breathing new life into the (formerly The Peabody Orlando), Amy is a pro at setting the foundation for exciting experiences.

Leveling the Field

Today, Amy is leading ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s largest active project in our Central Florida market in the hospitality and entertainment sector. She has also led the Florida chapter of the companyā€™s employee affinity group, Connecting Women, for the last two years. Under her guidance, the group has hosted speakers, organized volunteer events and provided networking opportunities for the women of ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„.

For Amy, every day is another opportunity ā€“ a chance to learn, a chance to grow and a chance to lift someone else up. In her mind this is all just part of the job that she loves, but for those who have been inspired or mentored by Amy, sheā€™s doing much more than that.

Through her work and her example, Amy is a role model, leveling the field for everyone.

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Amanda Patton

Relentless Ally

Leaning Into a Better Way of Building

Amanda Patton almost skirted her destiny to become a third-generation builder. 

It was a strong lineage, too. Amandaā€™s grandfather was a plumber, and her father worked on septic systems. They dreamed that Amanda would follow in their footsteps as a professional engineer. But growing up, Amanda wasnā€™t drawn to constructionā€”or any related field for that matter. 

That was until her family decided to build a new home. Like any teenager, Amanda was keenly interested in the plans for her bedroom. But unlike most her age and much to the astonishment of the architect, Amanda took it upon herself to resketch those plans precisely to her liking. And just like that, a young girl from a small Alabama town started to dream big about her future as an architect. 

At Auburn University, Amanda enrolled in the prestigious College of Architecture, Design, and Constructionā€™s School of Architecture. During her third year, Amanda learned that she had not been selected to advance within the architecture program. What appeared like a dream denied ended up being destiny in disguise.  

Upon transferring to study construction management in the Collegeā€™s Department of Building Science, Amandaā€™s exposure to architecture helped her recognize some of the industryā€™s inherent dysfunctions and operational inefficiencies. Unbeknownst to Amanda at the time, it marked the beginning of her journey to become the lean construction leader she is today. 

After graduation, Amanda joined ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s recently established Charlotte, NC office as an estimator. Nearly two decades later, sheā€™s still going strong, having earned a reputation as a respected and collaborative building partner committed to the continuous improvement of her projects, teams, and the industry at large. 

Amandaā€™s formative years in the business offered exposure to a wide variety of markets and project scopes. From tenant improvement work for international banking institutions like Bank of America to higher education projects at Duke University, UNC Chapel Hill, and Penn State University and healthcare projects such as Western State Hospital, Amanda built a strong and well-rounded foundation that included certification as a Design-Build Professionalā„¢.

Thanks to the encouragement of a mentor, she even made the leap from preconstruction to operations. To quote Sheryl Sandberg, Amanda ā€œleaned inā€ to each opportunity she was presented with bold curiosity and the tenacity to make it her own. 

In 2006, Amanda relocated to the Mid-Atlantic region to help grow the Corporate Accountsā€™ footprint. However, a shift in the companyā€™s strategic focus led her to officially join the Mid-Atlantic team contributing to integrated projects. 

Recognizing the vast communications gap and system siloes that exist between AEC partners, Amanda began exploring ways to help owners more effectively communicate their project goals and expectationsā€”whatā€™s known in lean circles as ā€œconditions of satisfaction.ā€ As she helped teams break away from traditional modes of thinking and working, Amanda experienced an epiphany that had perhaps been her whole career in the making. 

ā€œI realized that I donā€™t have the process-driven mindset of your typical engineer. My passion is connecting people,ā€ Amanda recalls. ā€œThe first pillar of lean is respect for people. This really resonated with me. The prospect of delivering projects differently was interesting and motivating.ā€ 

Although Amanda got a glimpse of an ideal industry future state while attending Lean Construction Institute (LCI) events, she wanted the opportunity to work on a project where lean was fully embraced and embedded. In 2015, Amanda got that opportunity as part of the integrated project delivery 
(IPD) team (collectively referenced PennFIRST) selected to build a new, 1.5-million-square-foot patient pavilion for Penn Medicine. The project, which is slated to complete in 2021, created an ideal testing ground for lean practices and tools. From  to , , and parametric modeling, the PennFIRST team has reaped countless successes in advancing the case for lean.

ā€œTo see people want to work this way and to find value in it has been really exciting,ā€ praises Amanda, who has most recently been serving in the capacity of control on the Penn Medicine project. ā€œTo be part of a team where the owner may one day find the cure for cancer ā€“ it doesnā€™t get much better than that.ā€

Amanda has not only been committed to positively impacting the practice of lean on her projects, but she also played an instrumental role in establishing a new lean community of practice (CoP) in the Philadelphia, PA area. 

Amanda may not be your typical construction professional. In an industry where the command is all too often valued over collaboration and tradition over innovation, Amanda has broken the mold by remaining true to herself and to her deep-seated belief that there is a better way to build that puts people first.

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Aislinn Nagy

Relentless Ally

Aiming High

When Aislinn Nagy changed her major from city planning to building construction at Virginia Tech, she didnā€™t think twice about working in a male-dominated industry. It wasnā€™t just that construction was becoming more inclusive when Aislinn graduated in 2011. As decisive as she is driven, once Aislinn establishes a goal, she simply refuses to accept any barriers to achieving it. 

Before donning her cap and gown, the Charlotte, NC native was already building an enviable resume. During an internship with RT Dooley Construction, a family-owned general contractor ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ acquired in 2009, Aislinn worked on one of the most signature buildings punctuating her hometown skyline, the Duke Energy Center. During another internship, Aislinn made her mark on the nationā€™s capital, helping renovate the Pentagon.

It came as little surprise to those who knew Aislinn that she graduated with the honor of ā€œMost Exemplary Seniorā€ in her building construction department. But Aislinn was only just beginning to crack the glass ceiling. After graduation, Aislinn joined another national general contractor. Her first project, a federal prison in West Virginia, was hardly a softball for the 22-year-old. Aislinn relocated to an unfamiliar state and was the only woman out of a nearly 30-member project team. In what would become a recurring theme of Aislinnā€™s career, where others see obstacles, she seizes opportunities. Aislinn describes her relationship with the projectā€™s superintendent, a 6ā€™4,ā€ Paul Bunyan-esque, tower crane of a man, ā€œHe toughened me up, and I softened him.ā€  

Though Aislinn enjoyed her tenure in the Mid-Atlantic, she never forgot her roots and joined ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s Charlotte team in 2015. ā€œIt felt like coming home,ā€ she recalls. Aislinnā€™s first project with the company, a challenging multifamily housing development, would have tested even the most seasoned construction professional. It was a baptism of fire of sorts for Aislinn, then a 27-year-old assistant project manager. But Aislinn wasnā€™t second-in-command on-site for long. When the project manager departed the company, senior leadership entrusted the job to Aislinn, confident in her ability to deliver. Predictably, Aislinn did not disappoint.

ā€œYou have to find ways to get a job done under pressure,ā€ maintains Aislinn. ā€œOften, you donā€™t have the liberty of taking three days to make a decision. You have to make the best call for your client and trade partners and be willing to stand behind it.ā€ As Aislinn looks back, she realizes these lessons are equally applicable to projects that run smoothly or those that encounter any number of the industryā€™s common obstacles.

Today, Aislinn is a project manager with nearly three million square feet of work credited to her name. She was recently named to Charlotte Agendaā€™s 30 under 30 Class of 2018. A relentlessly positive, calm under pressure, consummate team player, Aislinnā€™s glass is always half full. Sheā€™s spent the last several years managing a $14 million renovation to the Reynolds American, Inc. headquarters in Winston-Salem, N.C., and in March 2019, transitioned to oversee a $30 million K-8 STEAM facility for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.

Despite a demanding career that requires many early morning job site visits and late-night emails, Aislinn dedicates time to serving others through initiatives like the 
ACE Mentor Program. In December 2018, she led a project like no otherā€”building a footbridge over a canyon in Boliviaā€™s Cochabamba River Valley. In partnership with , ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ assembled a diverse team of construction experts to provide Bolivians a safer and faster route to access food, healthcare and other basic necessities.

ā€œLeadership is hard to teach and a lot has to do with experiences and how a person can take those experiences and translate them into success,ā€ says Jeff Sandeen, vice president and business unit leader in Charlotte. ā€œI have witnessed Aislinn become a humble yet driven leader, and that is reflected in her daily operations as well as her community involvement.ā€

In many ways, Aislinn is fulfilling her destiny. Her father, who works for CBRE, often took his children around Charlotte, pointing out buildings heā€™d helped bring to life. Today, Aislinn can take the same personal pride in the Queen City, knowing sheā€™s building foundations in more ways than one.

ā€œI never want to be so comfortable that Iā€™m not challenging myself. If Iā€™m not aiming for something, then Iā€™m settling,ā€ affirms Aislinn with a wisdom that surpasses her age.

Ability, ambition, adventure. Aislinn Nagy is proving the future of construction belongs to anyone who devotes themselves to building it.

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ā€‹Paul Studley

Relentless Ally

Almost every American can recall with remarkable clarity exactly where they were when two planes ripped through a brilliant September sky. Sixteen years later, Paul Studleyā€™s memories are more vivid than most. The New York native was working in Midtown Manhattan on that fateful day and watched in horror as that same sky was engulfed by billowing black smoke and raging flames. 

But Paul also remembers the deep, abiding sense of community he felt once the skies fell silent. The way people banded together to become their brotherā€™s keeper. 9/11 changed us all, and for Paul, that change manifested in a profound passion for safety. At the time, Paul had spent 20 years in the tradeshow industry, overseeing the erection of large-scale exhibits with a variety of equipment including mobile cranes. He was keenly aware of the dangers that can arise when men and machinery mix. Because of 9/11, Paul was even more keenly aware of the fragility of life. In the days forward, he renewed his resolve to protect those under his watch.

It was a passion that eventually followed Paul to Seattle, Washington, where he joined ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s team in the Northwest, locally known as Howard S. Wright. Before the cross-country move, Paul had left the tradeshow business to follow in the footsteps of the Studley family profession: vertical construction. His father and older brother were electricians by trade, and a second older brother was an ironworker. But Paul, whoā€™d always had an affinity for high-end finish work, pursued carpentry. It was with this diverse skillset that Paul was dispatched from Seattleā€™s Union Hall to Howard S. Wright on July 27, 2006ā€”a day that he recalls as life-changing.

ā€œItā€™s been 11 wonderful years,ā€ beams Paul. ā€œThe people inspire me as much as the projects.ā€ It wasnā€™t long before Paul was hired as a full-time employee in the companyā€™s Special Projects Group, which focuses primarily on interior fit-outs and renovation services. Because these projects are often completed in occupied spaces and during off-peak hours, they present unique safety challenges.

But none Paul isnā€™t prepared to tackle. Paulā€™s projectsā€”like the University of Washington Husky Stadium renovationā€”consistently achieve stellar safety records. In fact, his last two jobs didnā€™t record a single incident. When asked the secret to his teamsā€™ successes, Paul is eager to discuss the details from pre-task planning to hazard analysis and housekeeping. But the more he speaks, it becomes apparent that this soft-spoken superintendent is able to win the hearts and minds of subcontractor partners because of his sincerity. Itā€™s evident in his practice of introducing himself to each worker with a gloved handshake. Itā€™s evident in the extra effort he takes to educate himself about safety, reading about incidents that occur on other contractorsā€™ jobsites and sharing applicable lessons. Itā€™s evident in the way he compassionately approaches workers who have fallen short of safety requirements.

ā€œIf people feel youā€™re invested in them, theyā€™re more likely to be invested in themselves,ā€ attests Paul, who never hesitates to voice concerns when he spots an unsafe action or behavior. ā€œI donā€™t feel remorse for telling someone, ā€˜Youā€™re not doing yourself any justice.ā€™ Because Iā€™d feel a million times worse if I didnā€™t.ā€ Paul is particularly excited about ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ā€™s newest 
Zero Harm campaign, ā€œSee Something, Say Something,ā€ which aims to encourage open lines of communication about safety.

ā€œPaul embodied ā€˜See Something, Say Somethingā€™ before it was launched,ā€ praises Brian Sorensen, director of safety, health, and environment in Seattle. ā€œHe develops cohesive teams in which every person feels like he or she has the ultimate responsibility for safety.ā€

On 9/11, thousands of ordinary men and women became extraordinary heroes. The same transformation can happen every day on construction sites, where excavators and riggers, and electricians have the power to take bold and courageous actions to protect one another. Paul Studley didnā€™t become a champion for safety because he covets medals or recognition. Like heā€™s demonstrated throughout his entire career, Paul genuinely cares about people. Perhaps thatā€™s one of the best legacies of 9/11 and the collective promise made to never forget.